I found this hot oil treatment in my local Lush shop and it was half price, so thought I would give it ago. I have never used a hot oil treatment before so was excited to try it out. I followed the instructions and did as it said.
This "kinky" treatment is designed to hydrate curls, so I thought this is ideal for my hair type. Who doesn't want moisture added to their curls.
I used a large old mug to make up this treatment in and it became a paste, I put this all over my hair as instructed, put in up in a bun on top of my head and left it to work.
When it was time to wash it off, it took a lot of work and a two good shampoos to try and get it all out.
My hair was very soft after, but it did feel like it had a coating of something left on it. As my hair is so fine I don't like feeling I have something on it when it should be clean and free of product.
I wouldn't buy this again, as I felt it gave no benefit to my hair. Just weighed it down and was a bugger to wash out. As you can see by my hair here, my curls were not very well formed at all this is due to being weighed down with product.
I think I will just stick to the occasional bath bomb from Lush and leave the hair products for someone else.
Have you tried any hair products from Lush? Maybe I just picked one that did not suit my hair type.
Thanks for reading
Kara xx
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